Sussex Lions Club
We Serve

Who we are
We are a community service organization dedicated to making our community a better place to live.
Our Mission: To create and foster a spirit of understanding among all people for humanitarian needs by providing voluntary services through community involvement and international cooperation.
When it comes to meeting our challenges, our response is simple!
We Serve!
The Sussex Lions Club is made up of members, board members, and committees. There are leadership opportunities to lead committees, organize fundraising events, or provide club leadership through a board role. Members actively volunteer time assisting with running the club, on committees, participating in various events, etc.
The club generally meets the first Monday of each month, currently at the VFW.
Additionally, there are leadership opportunities within the District and State Lions.
What we do
Events like Lions Daze
Sell raffle tickets
50/50 raffles
Food for the needy
Road Clean-up
Blood drives
Donations to community projects
Sight & Hearing
Eye transport
Eye glass collection
Boys & Girls
Leos Club
Lunch with Santa
Stuff the bus
SOS support for kids
Flag Football
And many more....
“Together We Serve” is the motto of the Sussex Lions Club and its members.
Our purpose is to create and foster a spirit of understanding among all people for humanitarian needs by providing voluntary services through community involvement and international cooperation.
In 1939, there was a need for a fraternal and civic‑minded club in the Sussex area with a bent toward including the business community. Earlier, this had been first fulfilled by the Ashlar Lodge, then the Sussex‑Templeton Advancement Association and the Sussex Fire Department, but these had found their special niche. While the Ashlar Lodge and the Sussex Fire Department still existed, the Advancement Association had fallen by the wayside. Into this vacuum came some enterprising individuals, probably most notably the dynamic young principal of the 10-grade Sussex State Graded School, Winston Brown.
In 1939, the area was ripe for a community-oriented organization and Dave Kerr, a Hartland banker and Hartland Lions Club member, persuaded Winston Brown (who had Hartland roots) that since the area didn't have any community service group, a Lions Club could fill the void. After some discussion, Kerr and Brown met with John P. Kraemer at the Mammoth Spring Canning Co. office, and the Lions Club was born.
Kraemer and Brown, two gifted men, contacted community business and professional leaders. In a short time, 20 charter members were signed up.
The charter meeting was held April 18, 1939 with an inaugural dinner at the two-year-old Sussex Community Hall. Dr. E.C. Van Valin, a local general practitioner, was elected the first president.
Of the first 20 charter members, 10 later became presidents. The charter members who later became president were Van Valin, George Podolske, Rev. E.T DeSelms, Milton Mantz, Claude Kaderabek, Kraemer, Harry Rodgers, Albin Halquist, Henry Yuds and Roy Stier. The other charter members were Brown, Charles A. Busse, B.M. Fobes, William Hardiman, Otis Kramer, Rev. W.D. Millen, Alfred Otto, Rev. Charles Parmiter, and Lloyd Weaver.
After the initial meeting at the Sussex Community Hall, other locations in the community were used for periods of time such as, the Brook Hotel, Bernie Krueger's Tap, the Paul Relot Tavern, (Old Templeton Inn), the VFW
John Wenzler
Dave Giesfeldt
First Vice President
Robin Bates
Second Vice President
Blane Buckingham
Third Vice President
Becca VanAaken
Jeff Sullivan
David Giesfeldt
Tail Twister
Dominick Perrero
Lion Tamer
Jeff Gunderson
Ann Nettesheim
2 Year Director
JoAnn Swanson
2 Year Director
Joe Gonzalez
2 Year Director
Bob VanAaken
1 Year Director
Mark Tatera
1 Year Director
Stephen Kasprisin
1 Year Director
Becca VanAaken
Club Administrator
Current Board
Nearly 2 Million Dollars right here in the Sussex Area!
Local Organizations
Lions Projects
Community Projects and Local Organizations
Flag Football
Grand Total
Sussex Lions Contributions
Unlike many charitable organizations, every dollar we raise through our fundraisers goes back to the public. The administrative cost of our club is financed through the dues that each Lions member pays.
The Sussex Lions Club Foundation, Wisconsin Lions Foundation, and the Lions Club International Foundation are dedicated to preserving eyesight, combating disability, promoting health, and serving youth.
We are dedicated to making our community a better place to live. Listed below are some of the projects and organizations we have supported throughout the years.
Playground Equipment at Area Parks
Shelters and/or Buildings at Area Parks
Highway cleanup
Lights on the Hamilton High School Football Field
Press Box at the Hamilton High School Football Field
Lights on the Soccer Stadium at Hamilton High School
Village of Sussex
Pauline Haass Library
Lights on the Ball Diamond at the Sussex Village Park
Fire Department Equipment
Boy Scouts
Girl Scouts
Sussex Teen Center
Hamilton Drug Free Night
Flag Football
Junior Prom
Cornea Tissue Transplants for a Sussex Resident
Southeastern Wisconsin Lions BOLD, Inc. (Blind Outdoor Leisure Development)
The Visually Handicapped
People with Diabetes
The Hearing Impaired
The Make-A-Wish Foundation
The Kidney Foundation
Hamilton Education Foundation