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Sussex Lions Club

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Sussex Lions Club Continues Tradition of Supporting Hamilton High School Scholars

Updated: Jun 10, 2023

Lion Peg Nettesheim, a former Hamilton High School teacher, had the pleasure of representing the Sussex Lions Club at the annual Senior Scholarship Ceremony at the high school, held on May 17th, 2023. A total of $11,500 in scholarship will be disbursed upon successful completion of the students’ first college semester. It is truly a pleasure for the Sussex Lions Club, and it’s over 55 members, to provide the awards to these deserving scholars.

Scholarship Recipients

The recipients of the scholarships granted this year were selected by a group of Sussex Lions Club members, which involved reviewing the submitted essays, grade reports, summary of activities, and letters of reference. Over 70 applications were evaluated, with the following nine students being selected. Most of the scholarships are designated as a tribute to past and current Sussex Lions who have made a lasting impact on our community.

  • Sussex Lions Club $1500 scholarship in honor of Lion Al Schroeder: Brooke Stanley

  • Sussex Lions Club $1500 scholarship in honor of Lion Stoney Hultquist: Will Hartman

  • Sussex Lions Club $1500 scholarship in honor of Lion Willie Marx: Kailin Benoit

  • Sussex Lions Club $1500 scholarship in honor of Lions Gus and Walter Wegner for student pursuing medical degree: Leah Ezrow

  • Sussex Lions Club $1500 scholarship in honor of Lion Charlie Zimmerman for student pursuing a two-year technical degree: Nicholas Holzem

  • Sussex Lions Club $1500 scholarship honoring Lions Peg and Jim Nettesheim for student pursuing education degree: Scotland Nicholson

  • Sussex Leo Sue Posh Community Service Scholarship for $1500: Kacey McMillan

  • Sussex Leo Club Service Scholarship for $1000: Isabelle Prochazka

The Sussex Lions Club raises funds throughout the year with various activities, including the annual Sussex Lions Daze festival, Lions Brew beer and wine tasting event, Lions Golf Outing, and direct donations. These funds are allocated to various charities, both locally and globally. Since the club’s inception in 1939, nearly $2 million has been distributed in support of scholarships, park improvements, programs for senior citizens, aid for those requiring vision or hearing assistance, Sussex Outreach Services, and relief efforts throughout the world.


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